Download youtube videos the easy way

If you don’t have greasemonkey already installed on your firefox. Go ahead and install it.

Restart firefox.

Now go to YouTube HD Ultimate.

And install the userscript. You will now be able to see download links to the video you are currently watching:


Note: You can bypass the installation of greasemonkey when you’re using Google Chrome.

A guide to PSP plugins

PSP plugins are small pieces of code that we use to give the Play Station Portable additional functions or to enhance certain function that are already included by default.



1. PSP with custom firmware installed

2. PSP Plugins that you want to install

Here are some of the plugins that I use:

1. Audioboost– I use this when I want louder music.

2. Dim the lights –You can use this plugin to save more battery.

And here you can find lots of PSP plugins.


Kinds of plugins:

1. GAME- you will use this when you are playing games, be it ISO, UMD, CSO, or maybe homebrew games and emulators.

2. XMB/VSH –plugins that works when you are on the Xros Media Bar. Plugins of this kind works when you’re playing music, viewing pictures, or watching movies on your PSP.

3. POPS- for PSX/PS1 game emulation on PSP.


Go ahead and connect your PSP to your computer via the USB cable. Then go to this directory:


‘mso’ is the root folder of your PSP. Where you find the ISO, MUSIC, VIDEO, PICTURES folders. But this time open up the ‘seplugins’ folder. If there is none, then create one.

Then if you don’t already have a ‘VSH.txt’  in there then you may also want to create one. Because this text file is the file that will act as a database for your installed plugins. It will also serve as a main switch for all your plugins. Because its gonna store whether a certain plugin is activated or disabled.



Just drag the .prx files into the seplugins folder. You may also want to include the other files which came with that plugin.

To reference those plugins, put their filenames on the ‘VSH.txt’ file. For audioboost plugin, it may look something like this:


You can install as many plugins that you want just be sure to reference them in the ‘VSH.txt’ file. And separated by a new line, like this:



After installing, you may want to turn off your PSP by holding the power button, until it turns off.

Now, turn it on again while pressing the ‘R’ button. The recovery menu will then show up.

Go to plugins. Then enable the plugins that you want by pressing ‘x’.



Rename lots of files the easy way

Sometimes when you download video files, especially when those files are episodes from a popular tv show or anime series. You will sometimes need to rename, especially when you need to burn them on a dvd or  a blu-ray disc for your collection.

Reasons for renaming:

1. Common optical media filesystems has certain limit for filenames. Sometimes you get a file rename error if you don’t make the filenames brief and short.

2. Order of the files- sometimes downloaded files doesn’t come in the correct order (1, 2, 3).

Enter, fast file renamer. Its an easy to use application.

The interface is so self explanatory. Just input the filename patterns that you want to remove or update. You can also insert some text on a certain point.


Monitor disk drive health

Its important to monitor the health of your disk drive since it is the disk drive where you store all your important data. Constantly monitoring it will give you an idea how much more your hard drive will last. And warns you when you need to replace your drive with a new one.

Acronis drive monitor is one of the applications that you can use to monitor hard drive health. You can also use hw monitor. But it only monitors the heat that your drive produces. And doesn’t give you any idea, when your hard drive will die on you.

The Acronis Drive Monitor window looks like this:


As you can see, one of my drives has lessen its health to 97%. It can be because of:

  1. Heat
  2. Dust
  3. Improper shutdown

How to print directory contents using command line

There are tons of applications for windows that allows you to print the contents of a directory to a text file.

There’s karen’s directory printer. Its easy to use, but  it requires installation. Isn’t it better if you’ll be able to print the contents of a directory without having to install anything?

Enter, the command-line. Here’s how you can do it in windows:


You will come up with a file like this:

08/19/2010  08:56 AM        78,925,456 Naruto100.avi
08/19/2010  09:37 AM        71,677,282 Naruto101.avi
08/19/2010  09:43 AM        78,955,496 Naruto102.avi
08/19/2010  09:49 AM        71,761,418 Naruto103.avi
08/19/2010  09:55 AM        78,765,556 Naruto104.avi
08/19/2010  10:01 AM        71,830,582 Naruto105.avi
08/19/2010  10:06 AM        78,968,464 Naruto106.avi
08/19/2010  10:13 AM        78,839,558 Naruto107.avi
08/19/2010  10:20 AM        78,829,924 Naruto108.avi
08/19/2010  10:26 AM        71,820,024 Naruto109.avi
08/19/2010  10:32 AM        71,726,376 Naruto110.avi

As simple as that. If you are using windows vista or windows 7. Its even more easier. Just press ‘shift’ on your keyboard then right click the directory/folder that you want to print out its contents. Then select ‘open command window here’.

A command line window will open up, with the corresponding location. And if you want that only the filenames will be printed. Just type:

dir b og>filename.txt

b and og are parameters for the dir command that omits the date when the file was created and its size. Thus producing an output like this:


How to set environment variables

Remember ‘set path’ and ‘set classpath’ when you need to access certain functions of an application from the command-line?

Something like:

set path=C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_18bin;

set classpath=C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_18lib;

When you’re doing java.

I still remember someone from my class patiently typing those series of words just to be able to compile a java program and execute it.

In this tutorial , I will show you how to apply one of the virtues of a programmer (laziness).

First, you need to click on the start orb, and right-click on ‘My Computer’ then select ‘properties’.

After that, go to ‘Advanced System Settings’, click on the ‘Advanced’ tab, then click on ‘Environment Variables’:


Under ‘System Variables’, scroll down until you see ‘Path’:


Highlight that then click on edit:


Go to its rightmost part by pressing the right arrow key on your keyboard, then put a semi-colon:

You can now include that path to the javac compiler, or any application function you wish to have access to when you use your command-line.

For java, you can do something like this, on 64-bit system, if you’re running 32-bit then just remove the part  ‘(x86)’, or better yet check on your program files directory, then search for ‘java’ folder:

C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_18bin;

C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_18lib;

You can do this to almost any application, if you’re using yii as your php framework, then you can just add the directory to which your yi framework is installed:


Always remember to separate the paths with a semi-colon.

PHP Framework for beginners

I just recently used a php framework. So I may still be considered as a beginner. And I don’t really know if I have the right authority to recommend something to my fellow beginner. But just so you know, I started with the symfony framework. And their documentation is awesome, but not actually very beginner friendly. But despite that, I still tried it for few days. Unfortunately, I just ended up with the symfony start page. And I could really move on to using it. 

And so I decided to try Code Igniter instead. Its easy to install, easier than symfony. Because in symfony you will need to use the command line just to install it. Code Igniter on the other hand, just requires you to copy the extracted zip file from their site to your www folder if you’re using Wamp. And htdocs if you’re using Xamp. But that is where I ended. Because their documentation sucks like hell. The author really did many assumptions on its readers.

Then, here comes yii. This is the framework that I’m currently using right now. And its really nice. The documentation is also nice. And there are also third party authors who has made some beginner tutorials regarding yii. That really made life easier, so why don’t you try out yii. It might also work for you. I’m not gonna make yet another tutorial on yii. Because there are already plenty of those. But I’m gonna make a video tutorial of it soon, if I got enough confidence in using yii.

Disable MS Word plugins for faster startup

If you have recently installed Adobe CS5 Master Collection, or any Adobe Creative Suite. You will notice, that it adds some plugins on some of your MS Office installations like MS Word and MS Excel. And those plugins or add ins will make the application startup longer. So if you don’t need them. Just disable them. This tutorial will show you how.

First, you have to launch MS Word or MS Excel. Then click on ‘File’ then select ‘options’. A new window will appear, just click on the ‘addins’ tab. Then on the lower most portion. You will see ‘Manage’. The default value that is selected is COM-Addins. Just click on go beside that.


What you’ll have to do now, is to uncheck all the plugins that you do not need. As you can see, the default behavior of each plugin is to load on startup. Which in turn makes MS Word start longer.


After deselecting. Just click on ‘ok’. The next time you launch MS Word. It will already be faster.